Please read and agree to the following terms before downloading and using these voicebanks and USTs.
Failure to comply with these may result in distribution being stopped all together, so please, respect the rules that have been set.
Thank you.
When using voicebanks from this website, whether it be for covers, originals, cosplay, or illustrations, please provide the full name of the voicebank/utauloid used/portrayed.
All voicebanks belong to Shooting Star Atelier and the associated voice provider. Reproduction, redistribution, or otherwise claiming the following voicebanks/Utauloids as yours is prohibited.
These voicebanks were created for usage within the UTAU program. They were created and are compatiable with UTAU for windows and OpenUtau. They may or may not be compatible with Utau Synth (Mac).
You may not use these voicebanks for anything of malicious intent, or for material that may promote incest, pedophila, or hatespeech against marginalized groups.
Sexual content with voicebanks that are depicted as minors is strictly forbidden, as is creating pornographic, sexual, or suggestive illustrations with these banks.
Do not attempt to port these banks over to Diff SVC, Vocaloid, Synth V, etc. OR ATTEMPT TO TRAIN AI MODELS ON THESE VOICE FILES.
Noise reduction and oto.ini modification is allowed under the circumstance that you do not redistribute the files.
Pitch alterations and other such modifcations are forbidden.
You may use the images in videos as long as credit is provided as it is due. Any images with "charat choco" branding on the bottom is forbidden from being used.
Using the artwork for SNS profiles is forbidden.
Fanfiction is allowed as long as it does not breach the above material (incest, pedophila, nsfw/porn, or to promote malicious and harmful beliefs such as racism, transphobia, and homophobia.
You may not create SNS or roleplay accounts for these characters and you are not allowed to roleplay as these characters within discord servers or other RP locations.
The production of goods is only allowed given that it is personal material that you do not profit off of. Neither of the creators make money off of these banks. Please do not profit off of our characters.
Use to spread religious beliefs is strictly prohibited.
Creating or covering songs that have religious or political themes is allowed under the circumstance that it is not promoting those beliefs to others.
Credit to the maker of the UST (either scalaeu or lullabynorth) is required for usage of the ust. Linking to our youtube channels or to this website is highly encouraged.
Editing USTs to different voicebank types (CV to VCV, VCV to CVVC, etc.) is allowed. Re-tuning tuned USTs is allowed.
Claiming the UST as your own, claiming our tuning as your own, redistributing edited or unedited USTs, or not crediting our work is strictly forbidden.
• The authors are not responsible for any troubles that using these voicebanks may have caused.
• Using these voicebanks, illustrations, or USTs means you have agreed to the listed terms.
• Terms and Conditions are subject to change at any moment.
• If these Terms of Service are violated, it may result in the distribution of the files being stopped.
• If you ignore these terms, we reserve the right to contact you about it.
• If you witness a violation of these terms, please refer to our contact page.